Thursday, October 11, 2007

It's that time of year again...

Fall is in the air. We have a few weeks of college football under our belts(Gig 'em Aggies), and it's time to start thinking about heading onto the woods. Folks, it's almost Hunting Season. Yes, I know dove season, and numerous other seasons have already opened, but I'm talking about Deer Season.

I'm leaving tomorrow after work for the ranch. Bro-in-law (Shelly's brother) and I are heading out to filler feeders, ready stands, relax a little, and perhaps shoot at a few doves. Of course, we also have satellite TV up there to watch the Aggies and the NASCAR race. I promise, I'm not completely redneck. I still have all of my teeth, and Shelly and I were not related before we got married. Hey, I live in the South, what do you expect from me?

I'll try to take the camera out there and snap a few pictures, then I'll explain my deer hunting "style" to you. I get picked on by friends and family, but hey, you might as well enjoy yourself when you are sitting in the woods - who cares if you never really kill any deer...

In the coming weeks, I'll wash all of my camo clothes in scent free detergent, hit the rifle range, and generally be useless for anything else. Sounds like fun to me.

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