Monday, January 21, 2008

Taking MLK day off...

I took a rare vacation day to stay home. Even though we're not moving, we decided to keep making progress on de-cluttering and otherwise sprucing up the house. Perfecto showed up bright and early this morning to start painting. I hate painting, so Perfecto is one of my favorite people this week.

Maybe I'll take some pictures a little later. The house is a complete wreck. Furniture is scattered everywhere, and all of the artwork and other stuff has been removed from the walls and is scattered around the rooms that aren't being worked on yet.

I'm about to go downstairs and help Shelly with cleaning out the inside freezer. I picked up one of the deer this morning that has been processed, and we have to make room for it and the other one that will be ready in another 2 or 3 weeks.

Unfortunately, I've been too busy to go down to the big MLK Parade. Dang.

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