Friday, April 24, 2009

Long Overdue....

Was everyone wondering where I was? I was being lazy. It's hard to get back into the blog after taking a little while off.

Well, I think I'm ready to get back into it. Of course, it only makes sense for the first new post to be a funny / embarrassing story about myself...

Last night, we were up pretty late. This morning, it was hard to get up. In fact, after my shower, I was still half asleep when I was getting dressed. I made it to work, relatively on-time, and had a fairly busy Friday.

Right at 5:00, I was the only one in the office, and the phone just kept ringing. About 5:15, I finally was off the phone, shut everything down, and headed out the door. Alarms set and doors locked, I headed for the car. As I was getting in the car, I really needed to go to the bathroom. I decided that it was too much trouble to unlock everything and turn off the alarms, so I decided to step around the corner of the building and water the grass there (fences, etc make it a private location).

So, After a quick glance to make sure no one is around, I unzip and reach for the flap on the front of the boxers. It's not there... Hmmm, drawers must be twisted. Check left and right - still no flap. What the heck? Not sewn closed, just not there... After further inspection, I figured out my problem. I had my drawers on backwards. I'm talking I had gone all day wearing my drawers Liberace style...

Shelly didn't know what was funnier, that I had gone all day without using the restroom, or the fact that I never noticed. (After thinking about it, She never even questioned me about watering the grass at the office...)

I don't think I've ever had that happen before.


Unknown said...

This was a great laugh at 4:50 am! Glad you are back blogging.

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

I hate it when I do that. Usually I discover this when I have to go real bad.