Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Like chocolate pudding, scraped across too much ham...

ok, I guess that tag line needs some explanation... It's from the Veggie Tales video "Lord of the Beans" Billboy used that phrase to describe that he was feeling stretched (tired).

There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Matthew's toe is healing, although it was a little strange that the dead end fell off last night while he was at the in-laws house. He didn't notice it, and he tracked blood all over their light colored carpet. The good news is that it will have a little bit of a flat leading edge, but should look close to normal when the nail grows back.

Shelly is feeling much better, which is good. She was really in pain over the weekend and Monday night, to the point she was in tears and could barely move. Not good when you have a 4 week old that is nursing... Thankfully our mothers each took a day and stayed here with her so I could go to work.

I make it a point not to mention things about my work on the blog, but lets just say that we're very busy lately and I'm feeling a little stretched trying to balance the increased attention both family and work are needing. Work needs to be done as people are depending on me, but at the same time, things at home need to be done also (and here I am blogging - Katie said I had to...).

Anyway, I just wanted to post that things look like they are going to be getting back to normal pretty soon, thanks to the prayers and support of friends and family.

I need to scram now. Maid day is tomorrow and like always, the house needs to be straight before they can clean it. With all of the craziness over the last couple of weeks, we've had to postpone them a couple of times, and the house could really use a visit by the maids.

Barring any wild happenings, I promise the next post will be more in line with what you are used to from me. There have been a few interesting things and observations that I have in mind as great blog fodder. Stay tuned...

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