Tuesday, June 24, 2008

a rant...

Ok, I'll admit I drive too fast. I don't even know what the speed limits are around here, because it really doesn't matter. I get in the car and drive. That driving style fits in well here - MOST of the time.

Occasionally, some jerk camps out in the left lane driving below the speed limit. Seriously, I understand. People are really in a bind because of fuel prices and they are driving slower to help increase fuel mileage. I get it. PLEASE, just do me a favor... Get out of the damn left lane. Slower cars to the right. The left lanes are for passing. If you are not passing anyone, keep moving to the right. I Houston, there are usually 3, and many times 4 or 5 lanes in each direction, surely you can find one of the right lanes that will suit you.

Lately, the majority of these slowpokes are driving a Prius. And to top it all off, they aren't even looking at the road, they are looking at that darn gauge on the dash telling them their efficiency. Selfish Birkenstock wearing, granola eating, tree hugging *&(%%$&^*^$'s. Typical liberal types. Only concerned about their little deals without regard for the effects on the rest of the people.

The icing on the cake was last week. I left work and drive into town to pick Matthew up from daycare. On the way back out to the suburbs, we were in the HOV lane (2 or more) and the lane was creeping along at a snail's pace. After about 30 minutes, we had made it about 6 miles and we saw the cause of the back-up. It was a hippie woman (probably hairy arm-pits) sitting stalled in her Prius, and she was ALONE. I know the Republic of Kalifornia allows you to drive alone in the HOV lane in a Hybrid, but we don't allow that in Texas. So, she thought she was entitled to ride in the HOV lane in her Prius, but instead she cause the rest of us to be significantly delayed, while belching tons more hydrocarbons than we should have while being stuck in the back-up.

She should have been arrested and as part of her bail, been made to purchase carbon offsets for all of the extra pollution she caused...

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