Monday, March 29, 2010

Weekend of the HAM, take 3...

A couple of weeks ago, I hosted a group of guys at the ranch. Our Sunday School class from church typically has a guy's weekend every Spring, and this year, we went out to the ranch. Turnout was better than expected, with 25 guys heading out there with us.

The weekend was pretty much everything you would expect when you have a group of 25 men together in a remote place with ATV's, 4wd trucks, and enough firepower to takeover a 3rd world country. We ate like kings, got almost no sleep, and would do it again next weekend if we thought we could get away with it.

One of the guys compiled a Top 10 list of phrases heard over the course of the weekend. Keep in mind, there were other phrases, but these are the best that are able to be shared with all ages...

10. This is the skinny man's couch
9. I was forced to use "Plan B"
8. Papa Williams just called... !Blayton!!!
7. What were you going to do with those cows?
6. You are Jonah! You are a Big Shot!
5. What are you talking about? This is my wife's gun.
4. It's supposed to sound like a train. Does that sound like a train?
3. That's what she said.
2. Impressive!
1. ?!?Can we shoot it?!?

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