Friday, December 05, 2008

Holy Crap, that's a PILE of tamales...

You guys probably remember that I wrote last week or so about dropping off a deer I shot to be made into tamales at a new processor I haven't tried before. What I didn't do was ask the guy how many tamales he thought I would end up with. In hindsight, that would have been a good idea.

That was last Tuesday. Over Thanksgiving, we went out to Rocksprings. My Dad and I each shot an Axis deer. I dropped mine off with my usual processor to be made into smoke sausage. My Dad dropped his off with the processor that makes tamales to have some tamales made. Again, no one asked how many tamales might come from the deer.

Well, my Dad checked with them this morning and found out that the tamales were ready. I think his count was 72 dozen, mine is apparently 90 dozen. I won't even say how much 90 dozen tamales cost, but bear in mind that they mix the venison with pork and tamales are a little labor intensive.

First thought, that's a PILE of money. Second thought, where in the HELL am I going to put 90 dozen tamales? Luckily, I've arranged good homes for about 28 dozen so far, and some folks I know will be getting tamales for Christmas.

One other thing. Shelly IS NOT happy with me right now...

I was planning on going back to the ranch to hunt next weekend. What do you think the chances of me actually getting to take that trip are at this point?

1,080 tamales. Un-Friggin-believable.

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