Tuesday, November 03, 2009

My kid tells me all your secrets...

Everyone always says kids are like sponges. They absorb stuff and are easily filled. While this is true, I'll submit that as soon as kids can talk, they are more like water balloons. While they can hold vast amounts, getting it into them is sometimes messy, and they usually are ready to burst to let out what they have taken in.

I'm not easily embarrassed, so it doesn't really bother me when it gets back to me that Matthew has sprung a leak about stuff we thought was a secret in our house. Hey, it happens. What's hilarious is hearing Matthew repeat things other kids in his class share.

Recent topic of conversation... Somehow we got on the subject of passing gas. OK, you know how we got on that subject, but that's not the important part of the story. Matthew has a class mate, we'll call her "Little Girl X". Apparently little "X" has a little gas problem. According to Matthew, "She toots all every day". Matthew admits that he sometimes toots also, "but not all every day."

This disturbs Shelly, while I just find it funny thinking about a teacher in a 5 yr old class trying to keep order with a bunch of kids letting 'em rip on a regular basis, knowing that my kid cracks up laughing when he hears the old Kiester Kazoo sounding off. Shelly asked about the little girl, why she is always popping off, and what the teacher says. Apparently it is a topic of conversation because Matthew dutifully informed us that little "X" is taking medicine, but "she still toots all every day."

Even better is that it is discussed enough in class that Matthew reports little "X" says that her Mommy toots even more than she does, and her mommy's toots are really loud and really stinky. Of course, we find this hilarious. I'm trying to picture what this lady looks like, with no luck remembering her. Well, it just so happens that in the e-mail this morning I got a set of pictures with captions from a recent day in Matthew's class. Guess who's picture is in there?

So, Mommy "X", we now know who you are, and don't even think about blaming the dog, because we know your secret...


Staci said...

That's classic! That's why you never tell a kid your real age. It means nothing to them since you are old anyway. If they are going to repeat it, might as well be a younger number!

MELackey said...

yeah, I was always telling Matthew that my toots smell like flowers. Not too long ago, that made it back to Shelly via the teachers...