Saturday, February 28, 2009

Had to close the garage...

I went back outside after posting the previous entry and there was another Mexican guy coming up the driveway. He asked if I was having a garage sale, and I told him no. He then proceeded to point to the stroller, pedal car, and other things that we have asking how much I wanted for them.


I finally ran him off, grabbed the tools I needed, and was about to close the garage door when another woman came up with her 3 kids.

I closed the garage and inspected the brakes on the Expedition and changed the serpentine belt (forgot to do it a couple of weeks ago when I did the hoses and spark plugs).

Now, to start working on the garage (with the door closed while I work).


Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Well well...decided to blog did we?

Anonymous said...

A picture would have been a nice addition to this description :)

Lori Thompson