Monday, February 02, 2009

Rules for a successful marriage (man's perspective)...

Those of you that are friends with me on Facebook have no doubt taken note of my many status updates. It's quite obvious that I wear many hats in our household. Necessity dictates that Shelly and I both work outside the home. With 2 young children and a household to maintain, life is in a constant state of chaos.

Last night, I posted something to the effect that I had vacuumed the downstairs, cleaned the kitchen, and put on a load of laundry. This generated the question "Where are all of the men like you?" Of course, the answer is that they are everywhere. The women will attest that "Men are all the same". Some of us just forgot the rule that if you do something well, and do it often enough, it becomes your job.

This started me thinking along the lines of rules for a successful marriage. Sure, there are lots of things on the wish list from a guys perspective sex , but honestly, many of the ones you would think of first lots of sex will probably be less important as you get older. Besides, if you do things right, most of those things sex SHOULD be a mystery until you have said "I do".

Basically, you can break it down into two rules:

1. Choose carefully. Choosing the "right" woman is the key to your marriage being happy for the long haul. This is where you check off the wishes from your list.

2. Be on your best behavior, and help out around the house after you get married. This rule is VERY important. Why? Well, if she married your sorry butt, it is inevitable that the day will come that she realizes that she failed miserably with rule #1. When that day comes, if you have proved to be a nice enough guy and useful enough around the house, she will probably let you stay.

1 comment:

Ty Camp said...

Hilarious...although I think women realize when they say they will marry you that you are a sorry human being. But deep down, they believe they can change you. Over time, they realize they cannot change you, but now your sorriness has caused a numbness in them and they don't realize just how sorry you are anymore. It's the circle of life.