Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Frequent flier miles...

Man, we're having all of the health luck this week.

After Matthew's appointment today, I scrammed back to the office to try to play keep-up. I'm a little behind and was planning to work a little late this evening to get things squared away. Mom was at the house helping Shelly with things and some friends were planning to bring dinner to us (our Sunday School class brings meals 3 times a week for a few weeks when you have a baby).

About 4:45 I called the house to see how things were going, and Mom told me Shelly wasn't feeling well and I needed to come home NOW. I boogied on home and when I got here, Shelly was sort of laying back in a chair in the living room moaning in pain. She was having back and chest pains, her heart was racing, ans she was a little short of breath. I'm not into being a hero, so I called 911 and ordered up an ambulance. I'm getting good at this...

About 5 minutes later, the biggest honking fire truck in the fleet comes screaming down our street. The ladder truck. No, I didn't report a house on fire, I reported someone in need of medical assistance. Must have been a slow day at the station, so they all took a little ride. The ambulance pulled up less than a minute later, and we were on the way. I grabbed Shelly's purse, her shoes, and a pair of socks for her, and we were off.

Well, thankfully, it wasn't a heart issue. An EKG, X-ray, blood test, urine test, and an ultrasound revealed the presence of several gallstones.

So, that's 2 ambulance rides and ER visits in 3 days, with a couple of follow-up visits and at least one surgery coming up soon. Man, what a week this has been, and it's only Tuesday.

I wonder if the ambulance groups give frequent flier miles?

Another funny thing along the lines of the cop's questioning the other night... The first question they asked Shelly in the ER is if there were ever any incidences or threats of abuse or domestic violence in the home. I started to say "Yeah, she threatens to beat me all the time!", but they were not asking me. I'm starting to wonder if I look like a shady character...

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