Wednesday, May 28, 2008

That's my boy...

I came home this evening and was happy that everyone was in a decent mood and no trips were needed to the ER. Bonus that our friends that were going to bring dinner last night brought it tonight instead. Another bonus that more friends are signed up for tomorrow night.

Anyway, we took a walk after dinner tonight just to get everyone out of the house for a little while. I pushed Matthew in a stroller and Shelly carried Jonathan. An older couple (upper 80's) lives down the street and they were out in their yard, so we walked by to chat with them and let them meet Jonathan. Well, obviously Matthew has been paying attention to what and how baby brother eats... He lifted his shirt and pointed to his ninny and said "Baby brother only eats this". I think Mrs Cooke was speechless...

Breaking even - sort of...

Last night, while we were at the emergency room, My Mom was at the house with the boys. Jonathan was fine, but Matthew was a little out of sorts. He wanted his Daddy and was having nothing to do with anyone else. Shelly's parents came up and picked up our Expedition and Matthew and brought them to the hospital. Matthew was happy to be there with us. Of course, the truck was pretty much on empty, so Doc stopped and gassed it up for us (at least until the $75 pump shut-off). I guess you can say I broke even for the night. He refused my money when I tried to pay him, but the ER hit us up for the $75 co-pay. Oh well, a free tank of gas is not a bad thing.

While I'm thinking money, I wonder what 2 ambulance rides will cost? After the last week, we're thankful we have decent health insurance...

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