Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day...

Man, where would we be without mothers? Shelly and I are getting quite a bit of help from our moms this week. Both of them helped out with Matthew last week while we were in the hospital, and they have both spent the night with us helping with stuff around the house since we got home. My mom is back today and plans to stay until Friday. Jackpot for us. She's a whiz at laundry and is a pretty good cook also. We will eat like kings this week.

Speaking of eating like kings... I cooked a special Mother's Day dinner tonight. Grilled jumbo shrimp, squash & zucchini oven roasted with a little olive oil, and skillet potatoes. We'll have some pie in a little while.

I was left in charge of the kids earlier today. I left Jonathan alone for just a few minutes, and look what he got up to... Gonna have to keep an eye on this kid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is one for the baby book!
Lori Thompson