Wednesday, May 28, 2008

On a more serious note...

I know it's a little out of character for me to be serious, but I'm being serious now. Take a minute to say a short prayer for healing for Matthew's toe. I was changing the dressing tonight and he was being a tough little guy, but it's hard to be tough for him when he points to the toe nail on the big toe on his other foot and says when it gets better it will have one (nail) just like that one. That's a rough time for a Daddy.

We're doing all we can, from the time he got hurt until now to do the best we can. He doesn't understand that the reason why we can't play on the playground, go to "school" with his friends or go swimming (we had to quit swimming lessons after just one week). We're just trying to keep him from injuring anything more than it already is. We clean and re-dress the toe every night, and it's tough because it just seems to look worse each time. The doctor yesterday said it looked hopeful, so I'm hopeful also (but worried if it's not obvious).

Of course, on top of all that, we're looking at surgery for Shelly early next week to remove her gall bladder. Thank goodness both our families are here in town and able to help with the kids, but it's still going to be a rough week next week.


Reggie Hunnicutt said...

I already have been praying for him.

MELackey said...

thanks, man. I do appreciate it.