Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Already? GEEZ...

I got home from work this evening and cooked dinner. A big pan of chicken enchiladas and some pinto beans. Don't get all excited, I cheated a little. The enchiladas were Stouffer's from the freezer section. They were actually pretty good. The beans were the canned variety. Let me say that the new fangled can openers SUCK. Shelly just HAD to have the kind of can opener that cuts the can on the side, leaving no sharp edges. The advertisements are correct. There are no sharp edges, partly because the darn lid doesn't come off.

Seriously, the stupid thing only opens 1 of 3 cans I try with it. I end up having to get out the old style can opener that cuts from the top and actually does what it is supposed to. Sharp edges? Maybe, but unless you are a complete idiot, that shouldn't be a problem.

What is the title of this post about? After dinner, I had to help Matthew with his homework. Yes, I said homework. This is a 4 year old. What's the deal with homework for a kid in daycare? The kid can barely hold a pencil, and he's already got homework? I guess it's not bad. He had to trace the numbers 1 thru 5, three times each. Then he had a page filled with the letter "f". He had to trace a page full of capital and lower-case f's. I started him with a brand new pencil, but that's a little to hard for a 4 yr old to use. I ended up breaking the pencil in half and sharpening what was left. Much better. The kid did a pretty good job.

Still, isn't 4 yrs old a little young for having to do homework?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmmm...my kids had homework in the 3-year old class. What are you complaining about?