Saturday, September 13, 2008

Just a quick update for now.

The power went out just after my 5am post. The wind was incredible. It was actually blowing rain in between the seams where the glass in one of our windows is adhered to the metal framework of the window, While I was standing on a ladder in the stairwell at 5:30 AM with a tube of caulk trying to stop the water, the lights went out for good. Not long after that, I looked out the window and the back fence had given up the ghost, along with one section of the side fence.

About the blades on the ceiling fan on our patio. I went out after daylight this morning to pick them up, and could see no obvious signs of damage. Then I noticed a screw laying on the ground. I actually found 9 of the 10 screws that hold the 5 blades on the fan. How crazy is it that all of the screws would back themselves out. I KNOW they were tight because I put them on there myself.

When the wind and rain let up enough to survey the entire outside of the house and the immediate neighbors, I found out that we're the only ones on the block without roof damage. Some neighbors lost shingles and felt with nothing but plywood showing. That was some incredible powerful wind.

Power at the house is still out, so after hanging around all day, we came down to my parents house to spend the night. They are actually a little farther South than we are, but their power came back on this afternoon. My father-in-law stopped by and in exchange for the loan of my chain-saw, he brought his generator and we let it run long enough to bring the temp back down on the freezer and fridge to make it another day. I'll borrow my Dad's generator tomorrow when I head home and run it long enough to re-freeze my freezer and also let a couple of my neighbors plug up also.

I'll post some pics later tonight or in the morning after I've showered and eaten.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just checking in on yall...