Friday, September 12, 2008

Took a little drive around...

After getting everything around the house squared away and eating a little lunch, Shelly wanted to take a little ride around the local area to see what was what. There were several other people doing the same thing. It was strange to see all of the stores deserted. It was funny that pretty much the only places open were the liquor stores, and they were all doing a brisk business. Surprisingly, probably 1 in 4 gas stations seemed to still have gas as there were people getting gas.

Now that we're back home, the wind has really started picking up a little bit. I'll need to clear out the chip in the camera and I'll take a couple of videos at intervals through the storm and try to show them later.

Now, we're doing pretty much all you can do when you are hunkered down. Watching TV and doing laundry. I've also been teaching Matthew how to cast with his new "Bob the Builder" fishing pole.

I'll have to download the pics in a minute. he just walked through the living room on the way to the back patio. He was wearing a t-shirt, underwear, and blue rubber boots. No pants, and he was carrying his fishing pole. Man, that kid sure does make life entertaining sometimes.

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