Thursday, December 11, 2008

Funny happening from the office today...

Late this afternoon, I was needing a stretch break and a Diet Coke, so I walked back to the kitchen at the office to get a drink out of the fridge. While I was back there, the receptionist evidently decided to go around and empty everyone's trash cans. My trash can is under my desk, near my feet, so I guess she sat in my chair to reach under there.

On the way back to my desk, she said something to the effect that my behind must be hot. It caught me a little off guard, so I asked her what she meant. She told me that it was a little cold in the office, but when she sat in my chair, it was quite warm.

My reply? Can you guess?

"Of course my chair is warm. It has gas heat."


Anonymous said...

I don't even know why I had to read down to get your answer!! It was SO obvious!

MELackey said...

well, I could have said "that's because I farted in it", but I thought it was a witty answer to say the chair had gas heat...