Monday, June 09, 2008

Been a rough week...

Although the surgery for Shelly went well last week, we're not quite up to speed yet. Shelly was feeling better Friday, but by Friday night she was having some pain. She went back to see the doctor this morning, but he doesn't seem to think it's anything other than maybe muscle strain. Whatever it is, she is in so much pain she can barely function. Let's hope this passes soon. I'm in the middle of some busy times at work and really need to be there as much as possible. With being on shuttle duty getting Matthew to and from daycare each day, I'm stretched pretty thin. Luckily, our Mothers are around and able to help out.

Matthew's toe is looking pretty rough, but it is healing. Most of the end that's not viable tissue is now hard and black, and is basically about to fall off. At least what is left will heal well enough. I don't know if I mentioned it last week, but both surgeons that looked at it expect the nail to grow back. Definitely an answered prayer on that one, if nothing than for cosmetic reasons.

Keep Shelly in the prayers this week. Taking care of a 4 week old that wants his mommy to feed him every couple of hours isn't easy when she's in so much pain.

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