Saturday, July 26, 2008

Convenience vs. Waste...

Shelly has mentioned lately that it's pretty hot in the truck when she goes to put the boys in after running errands. Because you constantly hear about someone jumping in a running vehicle and stealing it with kids buckled in the back, she has been scared to put them into the truck with it running while she loads stuff into the back.

We solved that problem today by having a remote start deal installed on her truck. You just push a button on the remote, and that big V-8 purrs to life, unleashing the arctic blast of A/C to cool off the truck before you get in.

Maybe it is a little bit of a fuel waster, but as hot as it is, that's an option we'll probably wish we had spent the money for long ago.


Anonymous said...

my vote is very convienient. I hate letting JT sit in a hot car. That is the best invention on a car in a long time.


MELackey said...

I imagine it is especially useful for you since it takes a little longer to get JT and his associated gear loaded up.