Friday, July 04, 2008

Great BUTT...

Pork butt that is.

The ribs were excellent and the deer sausage was just the way I like it - smoky and sort of crinkly looking on the outside. The backstrap was good, although a little overdone, and the pork butt came out perfect. It was a lot of work and I made a big mess, but Shelly said she thinks I need to make pulled pork every year for the 4th of July. The first try was a success.

I even worked a little in the garage. Man, even at 10 PM, it was still stifling hot outside. I came in a little while ago, drenched. After cooling off, I cleaned the kitchen while Shelly bathed Matthew and put him to bed. I think every dish in the kitchen was dirty. What didn't fit in the dishwasher got hand washed and put up, and the counters and sink are clean and sparkling. Shelly said that since the kitchen was left so clean, she would let me cook in "her" kitchen again. I told her it's a good thing she lets me cook, because her cooking isn't any good. That's a running joke around here, so I'm safe with that comment.

I took a bunch of pictures, and after I take a shower and clean up a little, I'll get them posted.

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