Thursday, July 24, 2008

Have I bumped my head?

Those of you with kids will understand what I mean when I say that going on dates after you have kids is a rare occurrence. It's not that you aren't willing, it's that it costs an arm and a leg. Babysitters are about $10 per hour and up, so dinner and a movie is about $50 worth of babysitter cost before you even order your appetizer. That's where grandparents and generous single friends come in handy.

My sister and bro-in-laws anniversary was last weekend, and they find themselves without anyone able to watch their 3 devil kids. OK, so they aren't really devil kids. She reads this blog, so I'm entitled to yank her chain every now and then. Based on the last several get-togethers, and noticing how well all of the kids played together, Shelly and I offered to have the kids over tomorrow night to give Staci & James a night out to enjoy dinner and a movie without worrying about the clock ticking at $10+ per hour.

If you don't hear from me for a while, you will know I didn't survive the evening... (or I'm in jail for offing one of the little suckers...)

Now, where is that Bourbon?

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