Sunday, August 12, 2007

Birthday Party...

We had Matthew's 3rd birthday party on Saturday. His birthday was actually 3 weeks ago, but life happens and it was postponed to this weekend. Having a party for 19 kids and about double that number of adults is not an easy accomplishment, but somehow we pulled it off (with the help of a few relatives and some fancy coordination between us.)
We took several pictures, unfortunately, I seemed to have messed up the setting on the digital camera (they were set to "night", and they all came out a little fuzzy. Here are pics of his 2 cakes. You May recognize Larry the Cucumber and Bob the Tomato on the first cake. For those of you not completely immersed with the Veggie Tales, the Pirate Ship represents "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything". They appear from time to time, and have their own full-length movie coming out soon (Google them for more info if you want it). They are some of Matthew's favorite characters, and when he saw the pirate ship in the bakery display case at Kroger a few weeks ago, we knew we had to get one made for his birthday party. He loved it.

Of course, we were all wiped out after that. Thankfully, Matthew slept until 9am this morning.

Perhaps the party next year will be somewhere that does all of the setting up, coordinating, etc for you...

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