Sunday, August 12, 2007


We pretty much stayed in the house all day today. It was 100 degrees outside, and we had housework to do anyway, so no real reason to go out until church this afternoon. Ok, Shelly and I are usually running a few minutes late anytime we go somewhere. For church this afternoon, we were actually ready to leave on time.

Matthew and I were going out to get in the car, when I saw it. Something was on my car. My NEW car. My still on the first tank of gas and paper license plates car. Some bastard had EGGED my car. Well, let's just say that my whole mood changed. My mood and thoughts were no longer in the correct frame of mind to go to church. We got in the car, and no amount of arctic air from the A/C could cool my burning anger at the bastards that had egged my car. Thankfully 2 passes through the "good" car wash and a trip to the coin-op power wash place got all of the egg off the car.

My mood was better, and we went to church, late as usual. When we got home this evening, I cleaned the few remaining spots off that had not come off before. I also cleaned up the little bit of egg that had splashed onto the Tahoe.

Man, just thinking about it now still pisses me off. I know it's just a car and stuff happens, but GEEZ, enough happens without some jackass throwing eggs at my car.

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