Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Back Home Again...

We're back from Dallas, and boy howdy what a weekend we had. This will be sort of long, so bear with me.

Ever watch the Coyote and Roadrunner show when you were little? Remember how stupid Wiley Coyote was? It seemed he was always getting smacked. Well, on the way to Dallas, I met his cousin. We're cruising along I-45, minding our own business when we see a coyote trotting through the weeks on the right side of the freeway. Must have been a stupid one because he attempted to cross about the time I was passing him. He didn't make it... Bent the dang license plate on my truck also. I guess I need to get an Acme sign for the truck...

After arriving in Dallas, picking up the tux, and hitting the car wash to wash the Wiley remnants from the undercarriage of the truck, we headed to the hotel to check in. We went sort of upscale this time. The doors to the rooms were actually on the inside of the hotel this time instead of opening to the parking lot. The wedding reception was to be at the Fairmont, so it seemed logical to stay there.

When we headed into the lobby to check in, Shelly pointed out to me that we were in for some top notch people watching this weekend. There was some sort of a conference for black Baptist women and girls... Wow, those folks sure to dress up for church meetings. I've never seen more wigs, weaves, and hats in one place in all my life. Big hats. One of the women had what looked like a purple pom-pom on the top of her head as a hat. It was bigger than her head. I wish I had thought to take some pictures...

On Saturday morning I took a walk to a local McDonald's to pick up some breakfast. I thought about calling room service, but $50 for breakfast with a 3 yr old seemed like sort of a waste. I'm sometimes cheap like that. Besides, the weather was fine and it was only about 8 blocks or so away. Well, the McD's was in a sort of food court deal next to the Adam's Mark, which happened to be hosting a big Anime' convention. Man, what a freak show that joint was. Here is a link to that deal and a bunch of the attendees photo albums. http://www.a-kon.com/bm/News/its-the-a-kon-18-photot-gallery-page.shtml Wow, almost like a Star Trek convention, but for younger geeks.

Man, all of this good people watching, and I haven't even mentioned the wedding...

Stay tuned, Tomorrow's post will involve fake boobs, drunken old ladies falling off toilets, another installment of Aggie vs. T-Sipper rivalries, and yours truly getting thrown from a Limousine.

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