Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Warning Labels...

While working in the yard over the weekend, I must have gotten into some poison ivy, poison oak, or something along those lines. It's on the tops of both hands and just above my left eyebrow. It's not too bad, but occasionally the slight itch is annoying

I stopped yesterday to get some hydro cortisone to put on it, and that seems to help. This afternoon, I was sitting in my office putting the hydro cortisone on, and for whatever reason I took a look at the warnings on the back. "Stop use and ask a doctor if *symptoms last for more than 7 days, *the condition gets worse, *symptoms clear up and come back in a few days, *rectal bleeding occurs-consult promptly. RECT... WHAT THE HELL?!?!??? I've got a rash on the backs of my hands, what in the world would make me hemorrhage from... This stuff is Maximum Strength, but GEEZ!!!

Ok, so I read a little farther, and see that in addition to the typical use on poison ivy, etc, this stuff is also suggested "other types of itching".

Man, I was worried for a minute there.

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