Saturday, June 30, 2007

Can't seem to get it together...

Ever have one of those days where you just can't seem to get it together? Today was one of those days for me. We had a BBQ to attend at noon today. Matthew had a birthday party to attend at 11:00, so Shelly was going to take him to his friend's party and then join me at the BBQ when they were finished. Basically, another weekend crammed full of things to do. For this BBQ, I was the guy bringing the drinks, and a phone call last night informed me I was also the guy manning the grill. Now that you know what's going on, here's what it took for me to get there.

I was running a little late, but not too bad. When I got finished showering, etc and was ready to get dressed, I realized that my clothes were upstairs in my bedroom with me, but all of my undershirts were downstairs. So, head downstairs with shirt in hand, grab the undershirt out of the dryer and put the shirt on.

Oops, forgot belt upstairs. Head upstairs and get belt.

Grab ice chests, rinse the off, and put them in the truck, back out and head down street.

Dang, forgot my hat. Nearly bald head requires a hat when outside. back up the street and go back in the house for the hat (unlock door, turn off alarm, grab hat, re-set alarm, lock door). Back out of driveway again.

Forgot lawn chairs, drive back into driveway, get lawn chairs out of the garage and load them in the truck, head out again. Pull out of neighborhood and I'm on my way

CRAP. Remember deer sausage is still on the counter. At this point, I'm on a 1-way road, and have to go around the world to get back home. Go back in the house to retrieve sausage (alarm drill again). I KNOW I have everything this time. Now to the store to get all of the drinks.

And so the day went...

The BBQ turned out well. Everyone liked the deer sausage, and there were plenty of drinks. Thankfully, once I arrived at the party, everything else was fine.

Now for a little rant. Ever notice that when you have a party with a bunch of friends,it never fails that one or two people end up bringing all of the expensive items (drinks, meat, etc), while the rest of the people come in with 1 bag of chips or a pack of paper plates? AND, these same people are the first ones to leave, without helping pick up in any way, shape, or form? Doesn't it always seem that the people that spent the most are the only ones left cleaning up after the party?

Next party, I'm bringing napkins and parking my car on the street in the "ready go" position.

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