Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Road Rage - Almost...

Yesterday I came home from work, let Sweetie out, then headed to town to meet up with Shelly. As I go to leave the neighborhood, I come to a 4 way stop. I need to turn right. The Escalade facing me turns left, then I turn right (now heading the same direction as the Escalade). The VW that had been behind the Escalade proceeds to go, almost hitting me in the rear quarter, sort of crowding me in the intersection. Then the woman driving proceeds to ride my BUTT.

Well, anyone that knows me, knows that I don't exactly drive Miss Daisy. I tend to scoot along when I'm driving. This chick is following so close that I can just see the top of her head and the roof of her car in my rear view. Of course, I did what anyone else would have done. I applied a little of the left pedal to get her to back off. Well, it turns out that that is a good way to piss off an African American woman. After she picked her crap off of her floorboard, she came zooming by me (2 lane road going around a curve). Not wishing to escalate any further, I braked and moved over to the right to give her plenty of room, and the Beeyotch swerved towards me, barely missing the left front of my truck. I guess she thought it would be fun to try to buzz me.

We come to a stop sign, another 4-way intersection. I stop about 20 feet behind her to give plenty of maneuver room in case she gets out of the car. And she just sits there, watching me in the mirror. For 15-20 seconds she sits there. I know she wanted me to try to try to go around her so we could really get into an altercation, but I just waited. Hey, I was in no hurry. Well, I guess she figured I wasn't going to engage, so she gave me the finger and then took off.

I guess the next time that happens, I'll just let off the gas and let the person go around without tapping the brakes. No sense in getting into a rough spot. While this blogger is generally quite well equipped to defend himself, the other person might be better armed. Regardless, no use getting engaged in a situation that is avoidable to begin with

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