Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mothers Day, you old Motherf....

Title got you wondering? Well, you have to read the to the bottom to get the story.

Shelly and I worked pretty hard cleaning this weekend. We made significant progress. Katie, I'm proud to say that you and Trent will have a bed to sleep in this weekend that is free of random debris. We're still working on Luke's accommodations, but we still have a few days left, so he should be fine.

I dropped by NTB yesterday to see what it would cost for a new set of Michelin's on Shelly's truck. The sign out front said something about a Mother's Day sale, with up to 50% off. Well, the guy quoted me full retail. When I questioned him, he told me that it was a good deal on Michelin tires. What about the sale? I let him know that's the same price per tire listed on their website last week. Yep, that's one set he won't sell this month.

Today we went down to Mom and Dad's for lunch and a little Mother's Day visit. We had been seeing DQ advertising their cakes, and thought it might be good to pick one up and take it with us. We stopped at one by the house, and at 10:25, they were not open yet. Not a problem, we head down the road and stop at one on the other side of town. It's about 5 minutes until 11, and this one is closed also., but people are inside, so we wait. An Indian lady, in full lady from India garb comes out and tells us it will be 20 minutes before they open. Wow, most lunch places are open well before 11, but oh, well. I say we'll wait, we want to buy a cake. Guess what, no cakes here. All of this with an attitude that says go away you stupid American, you're bothering me

What is it with all of these places not wanting to sell you anything?

Anyway, we stop and pick up flowers (Shelly's idea, and a good call), then head down and have a nice day. My sisters kids are all rotten, poorly behaved, and look funny. Not really, but she reads this blog, so I figured I'd yank her chain a little. We all had a good time, and the kids all actually played quite well together (this time). The funniest story was when my sisters youngest, Allison the 3 year old, was in the kitchen. I couldn't see much since the bar was in the way, but I saw the pantry door open, then close. James (bro-in-law) headed in there to see what was up. About that time, the pantry door opens back up, and out comes Allison with hands full of little packages of fruit snacks, gummy bears, etc. I just thought it was pretty hilarious that to keep from getting completely busted for digging in the pantry, she has figured out how to go in there and close the door behind her, giving her time to make her selections (do her shopping?) before coming back out. Pretty slick. I guess having 2 older brothers has taught her a few things. Maybe she'll learn to stay in there long enough to eat the snacks she finds, then hide the evidence of empty packages. Bonus points for hiding the empties under her brothers beds.... I should mention that this pantry is huge and has a light in it. Seriously, it's bigger than your typical walk-in closet, and in typical grandma fashion, always full of goodies.

Afterwards, we went to church (we go on Sunday evenings), and then on to the in-laws house for dinner and visiting there. Surprisingly, not funny stories to share from there.

Now to the story about the title... 4 or 5 years ago, Shelly and I went to her parent's church one Mother's Day. Afterwards, we went to the grocery store across the street to get some rolls for lunch afterwards. This store is in the Heights ares, but on the north end, closer to 610. A sort of questionable area. Well, while we were in there, one old woman - likely one of the homeless types - with the gravely, smokers voice yelled out to another person "Happy Mother's day you old Motherf...." Now, I guess you just have to have witnessed it like I did, but that's one of the funniest things I've ever heard / seen. Consequently, I now wish my friend Tommy a happy Mother's day each year..... Because of that episode, I have to laugh a little each time I wish anyone a happy Mother's Day.

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