Thursday, May 31, 2007

Report from Memorial Day...

Sorry I've been sort of lazy about posting for the last week. It's been a sort of short week made a little hectic by a sick kid. Add in laundry, grass cutting, and working late, and the time seems to be gone.

The ranch was pretty much as expected over the weekend. WET. But there are enough toys there to make that fun. We have a couple of ATV's and a 4wd Nissan Pathfinder. Tommy and I took the ATV's out with the intention of making some mud trails around a 10 acre patch of oats. Imagine 10 acres of grass about a foot tall, with an inch or so of standing water, making some soft mud. Here are some of the pics...

Needless to say, once we hit the mud, the suppressed teenager in us came out. Instead of making trails, we had a mud war. You gun the engine and spin the back wheels, making a pretty good rooster-tail of mud. Spin the ATV a little and get the back end pointed at your target, and cover them with said rooster-tail of mud.
I haven't had that much fun in years. Needless to say, the wives (after laughing at us) had to hose us off before we could go back into the house to get cleaned up. I think I'm still pulling mud out of my ears.
Man, Holiday weekends out of town sure are nice. We had a good time with good friends. Tommy picked up some excellent beef, I brought in some deer sausage, and the caretaker gave us a pile of fresh veggies from the garden. Shelly took a humongous yellow squash, fresh off the plant, sliced it, and fried it. It just doesn't get any better than that.
Add in a brand new skeet thrower, several hundred rounds of ammo (I promise we're not rednecks - okay, maybe just a little), and it's a weekend to remember.
Makes one thankful for all of the guys around the world putting themselves on the line to make such fun possible.

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