Tuesday, May 22, 2007

more from my loyal readers... (continued from yesterday)

Here is a part of the e-mail I referred to with yesterday's post:

I want to know how your brother has so many interesting things in his life to write about. mine would be so boring. woken up by children, got in shower, got dressed, broke up a fight, struggled to dress children, went to McD's, broke up another fight, about to pull out my hair, went home, fight number 3, more hair pulling, no household chores finished so far, more fighting more hair pulling, wonder what to make for dinner, fighting, hair pulling, order Chinese, watch kids make a mess with food, clean up tomorrow, fighting, hair pulling, adult beverage, fight over who is taking a shower first, struggle with who is brushing their teeth first, girl child stalling to go to sleep, boy child wanting to watch TV, finally some quiet time but too tired to do anything but sleep, start all over again.

Holy Cow, I see nothing boring in that series of events, but I did make one observation:

I think I see your problem.... You waited too long for that adult beverage, and then you only had one.

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