Monday, May 07, 2007

Nintendo Wii

Tonight was guys night. On the first Monday night of each month, the guys in our Sunday School class get together for a little bit of male bonding. We typically order a pizza or 3 and either watch TV or play cards, domino's, or shoot the breeze for a couple of hours. Tonight, we all went to Roy's house. Roy's real name is Bill, but we call him Roy most of the time. I'll get to the name Roy in a little while.

Bill is on staff at our church and he borrowed a Nintendo Wii from another staff member so we could play it tonight. Ok, I'm typically as active as a 3 toed sloth after a heavy meal, but this was fun. There were only 5 of us, so we rotated around and played 4 player tennis. Imagine 4 guys between about 28 and 40, flailing arms wildly playing tennis in Bill's living room. It's a wonder we didn't break any lamps or other stuff he had in there. I give the Wii a thumbs up because you actually get a little exercise while playing a video game. I want one. Not bad enough to spend that kind of money on one, but I definitely want to play one again sometime.

ok, back to that Roy deal...

Ever had someone call you buy the wrong name? Did you correct them, or just let them keep calling you the wrong name because correcting them was awkward? Several weeks ago, we had a guys retreat at the ranch. While there, Bill led several short devotionals. During one of them, he kept calling my bro-in-law "Brent". Well, his name is really Brett. It's especially funny since Brett is also out Sunday School teacher and Bill knows his name, he just kept calling him Brent for some reason (old man syndrome?). Well, apparently Bill had the same problem with someone calling him Roy a while back, so we had a good laugh about it. We all shared our stories about people calling us by the wrong name, and most of us now have new names when we are together. My "other" name is Marty. I had someone call me Marty for months. I never did correct him...

The guys retreat was pretty wild. Some pics can be seen here

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