Sunday, May 20, 2007

"Next Blog" button...

One source of entertainment for me is to look at random blogs of other people. I have a few that I read regularly, but I read others by using the "next blog" button. Man, some interesting stuff. Many of them are foreign languages, some are stupid things, but others are pretty entertaining Hopefully all of you find this one at least mildly entertaining.

Last night, I came across one that was basically an ad for Cialis. You know what that is. Sort of like Viagra. I love the warnings they give. "If it lasts for more than 4 hours, please call your doctor"

Are they kidding me? Heck with the doctor, If I ever have one of those last more than 4 hours, I'm calling everyone I know After I call everyone else to brag, I'll call the doctor - for a refill.

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